1. Tonietto, L; Walter, M; Jung, C.R. A Randomized Approach for Patch-Based Texture Synthesis using Wavelets. Computer Graphics Forum, v. 25, n. 4
  1. Tonietto, L; Walter, M. Texture Metamorphosis Driven by Texton Masks. Computers & Graphics, v.29, n. 5, p. 697-703
  1. Reis, A.N.; Mombach, J.C.; Walter, M; Ávila, L.F. The Interplay Between Cell Adhesion and Environment Rigidity in the Morphology of Tumors. Physica A - Statistical and Theoretical Physics, v. 322, p. 546-554
  1. Tonietto, L; Walter, M. Síntese de Texturas que Variam Progressivamente com Abordagem por Blocos de Texels. XIX Concurso de Teses e Dissertações, XXVI Congresso da Soc. Brasileira de Computação, Campo Grande, 2006 (vencedor do 3o. lugar na categoria mestrado do concurso)
  1. Tonietto, L; Walter, M; Jung, C.R. Patch-Based Texture Synthesis using Wavelets. SIBGRAPI 2005, IEEE Press, p. 383-389
  1. Tonietto, L; Walter, M. Morphing Textures with Texton Masks. SIBGRAPI 2004, IEEE Press, p. 348-353
  1. Tonietto, L; Walter, M. Towards Local Control for Image-Based Texture Synthesis. SIBGRAPI 2002, IEEE Press, p. 252-258
  1. Franco, C.; Walter, M. Direct Texture Synthesis of Feather Pigmentation Patterns. Proceedings of GRAPP 2007 - II International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 8-11 March, 2007. Barcelona, Spain.
  1. Mello, V.B.; Jung, C.R.; Walter, M. Virtual Woodcuts from Images. Proceedings of GRAPHITE 2007 - 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia. 1-4 December, 2007. Perth, Australia.
  1. Dos Passos, V.; Walter, M. 3D Mosaics with Variable-Sized Tiles. The Visual Computer
  1. Walter, M.;Fournier, A.; Menevaux, D. Integrating Shape and Pattern in Mammalian Models. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001, ACM, p. 317-326
  1. Tortelli, D.M; Walter, M. Modeling and Rendering the Growth of Speleothems in Real-Time. Proceedings of GRAPP 2009
  1. Dos Passos, V.; Walter, M. 3D Virtual Mosaics: Opus Palladium and Mixed Styles. The Visual Computer
  1. Da Silva, D.B; Walter, M. Synthesis and Transfer of Time-Variant Material Appearance on Images. Accepted for SIBGRAPI 2009
  1. Da Silva, D.B.; Walter, M. Automatic Sprite Shading. Accepted for  SBGames 2009
  1. Machado, T.L.A.; Gomes, A.S.; Walter, M. A Comparison Study: Sketch-Based Interfaces versus WIMP Interfaces in 3D Modeling Tasks. Accepted for  CLIHC 2009