
Temos a satisfação de informar que o grupo LER (Laboratório de Engenharia de Requisitos) teve vários trabalhos aceitos em periódicos e eventos de qualidade reconhecida nas áreas de Engenharia de Software e Engenharia de Requisitos. Segue a lista abaixo:


Requirements Engineering Journal  (published by Springer) –
Understanding what is important in iStar extension proposals: the viewpoint of researchers
Enyo Gonçalves (UFC, UFPE), Marcos Antônio de Oliveira (UFC), Ingrid Monteiro (UFC), Jaelson Castro (UFPE) and João Araújo (UNL)

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering –
Safety Practices in Requirements Engineering: The Uni-REPM Safety Module
Jéssyka Vilela (UFC, UFPE) , Jaelson Castro (UFPE), Luiz Eduardo Galvão Martins (UNIFESP) and Tony Gorschek (BTH)


26th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
August 20 – 24, 2018 – Banff, Alberta, Canada

RE@Next! Track –
Assessment of Safety Processes in Requirements Engineering
Jéssyka Vilela (UFC, UFPE) , Jaelson Castro (UFPE), Luiz Eduardo Galvão Martins (UNIFESP) and Tony Gorschek (BTH)

Posters & Tool Demos Track  –
piStar Tool – A Pluggable Online Tool for Goal Modeling
João Pimentel (UFRPE) and Jaelson Castro (UFPE)

XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering part of the IX Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSOFT)
September 17 – 21, 2018 –  São Carlos, SP, Brazil

Research Track
Specifying Privacy Requirements with Goal-Oriented Modeling Languages
Mariana Peixoto (UFPE) and Carla Silva (UFPE)

Journal First papers
A systematic process for obtaining the behavior of context-sensitive systems
Jéssyka Vilela (UFC, UFPE) , Jaelson Castro (UFPE) and João Pimentel (UFRPE)
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 2016 –

Insightful Ideas and Emerging Results –
Safe-RE: a Safety Requirements Metamodel Based on Industry Safety Standards
Jéssyka Vilela (UFC, UFPE) , Jaelson Castro (UFPE), Luiz Eduardo Martins (UNIFESP) and Tony Gorschek (BTH)

Tools Session –
Uni-REPM tool: Maturity Evaluation of  Requirements Engineering Processes
Jéssyka Vilela (UFC, UFPE) , Jaelson Castro (UFPE), Luiz Eduardo Martins (UNIFESP) and Tony Gorschek (BTH)

VIII Workshop on Thesis and Dissertations of CBSOFT (WTDSOFT 2018) –
Addressing Ambiguity in Legal Requirements Engineering of Software Systems
Dorgival Netto (IFMS, UFPE) and Carla Silva (UFPE)

Privacy Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development
Mariana Peixoto (UFPE) and Carla Silva (UFPE)

11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC)
September 4-7, 2018 – Coimbra, Portugal

Gamification in Requirements Engineering: a Systematic Review
Rodrigo Cursino (UPE), Daniel Silva (UPE), Maria Lencastre (UPE), Roberta Fagundes(UPE) and João Pimentel (UFRPE)

A Metamodel to Guide a Requirements Elicitation Process for Embedded Systems
Tarcísio Pereira (IFSertão, UFPE), Deivson Albuquerque (UFPE), Aêda Sousa (UFPE), Reinaldo Silva (UFPE), Fernanda Alencar (UFPE) and Jaelson Castro (UFPE)


XXI Workshop on Requirements Engineering –
September 5-6, 2018 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil
Configuração de Processos de Negócio em Organizações Públicas considerando Informações de Contexto e Requisitos Não-Funcionais.
Amora Sukar, Fernanda Alencar (UFPE), Higor Monteiro and Tarcísio Couto  (IFSertão, UFPE).
Mechanisms to Support Requirements Prioritization: A Systematic Mapping Review.
Cinthya Flório (UFPE), Maria Lencastre (UPE) and Roberta Fagundes (UPE).
A Framework for Requirements Definition for the Robotic Systems Domain – An Exploratory Study.
Danyllo Albuquerque, Jaelson Castro (UFPE) and Aeda Sousa (UFPE).
A Catalogue of iStar Extensions.
Enyo Gonçalves (UFC, UFPE), Tiago Heineck, João Araújo (UNL) and Jaelson Castro (UFPE).
Priorização de Requisitos em Startups de Software no Armazém da Criatividade (Porto Digital): Resultados Preliminares.
Gustavo Almeida (UPE), Wylliams Santos (UPE) and Maria Cruz (UPE).
Requisitos não Funcionais e Sustentabilidade para Computação em Nuvem: uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura.
Kádna Camboim and Fernanda Alencar (UFPE).
Requirements Engineering for Embedded Systems: The REPES Process.
Tarcísio Pereira (IFSertão, UFPE), Fernanda Alencar (UFPE) and Jaelson Castro (UFPE).
De KAOS para SysML na Modelagem de Sistemas Embarcados.
Timoteo Silva and Fernanda Alencar (UFPE).