AbstractConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet.
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the ConflictSet interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
Class constructor.
AbstractKnowledgeBase - class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase.
The main class of JEOPS.
AbstractKnowledgeBase(ConflictSet) - Constructor for class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Creates a new knowledge base.
AbstractRuleBase - class jeops.AbstractRuleBase.
A generic rule base of Jeops.
AbstractRuleBase(ObjectBase, AbstractKnowledgeBase) - Constructor for class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Class constructor.
ACTIONS - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word actions.
addConflictSetListener(RuleFireListener) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Adds the specified conflict set listener to receive events from this knowledge base.
addImport(String) - Method in class jeops.compiler.ImportList
Adds an import statement to this list.
addInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener) - Method in class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
Adds the specified listener to receive events from this conflict set.
addInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Adds the specified listener to receive events from this conflict set.
addMove(int, int) - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Adds a movement to the solution.
addRuleFireListener(RuleFireListener) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Adds the specified rule fire listener to receive events from this knowledge base.
assert(Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Adds an object into this rule base.
assert(Object) - Method in class jeops.ObjectBase
Inserts a new object into this object base.
assert(Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Inserts a new object in this knowledge base.
ASTERISK - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is an asterisk.
attacks(Queen) - Method in class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Checks whether this queen can be attacked by the given one.


checkPrecForDeclaration(int, int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Checks whether all the preconditions of a rule which reference only the elements declared up to the given index are true.
checkPrecondition(int, int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Checks whether some preconditions of some rule in this rule base is satisfied.
clone() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Creates a copy of this object.
CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is a close curly bracket.
COMMA - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is a comma.
COMMENT - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is a comment.
ConflictSet - interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet.
Defines the required operations that a conflict set should implement.
ConflictSetElement - class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement.
An element present in the conflict set.
ConflictSetElement(int, Object[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Class constructor.
ConflictSetEvent - class jeops.ConflictSetEvent.
A semantic event that indicates that an element was either added to or removed from a conflict set.
ConflictSetEvent(AbstractKnowledgeBase, ConflictSetElement) - Constructor for class jeops.ConflictSetEvent
Class constructor.
ConflictSetListener - interface jeops.ConflictSetListener.
The listener interface for receiving conflict set events.
convert() - Method in class jeops.compiler.Main
Creates a java source file that behaves as defined in the rules file.


DECLARATIONS - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word declarations.
DefaultConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet.
A default conflict set, whose conflict resolution policy is not specified.
DefaultConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Class constructor.
DOT - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is a dot.
dump() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Prints the tree for the expression of this precondition.
dump() - Method in class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Prints this queen.
dump(int) - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Prints the tree for the expression of this precondition.
dump(int) - Method in class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Prints this queen with the specified identation.


elementAdded(ConflictSetEvent) - Method in interface jeops.ConflictSetListener
Invoked when an element is added to the conflict set.
elementRemoved(ConflictSetEvent) - Method in interface jeops.ConflictSetListener
Invoked when an element is removed from the conflict set.
EOF - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is EOF.
EOF_TOKEN - Static variable in class jeops.compiler.parser.Token
The EOF token.
EQUALS - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is an equals sign.
equals(Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
equals(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Compares this object with the given one.
ERROR - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is an error.
EXTENDS - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word extends.


Fact - class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact.
Class used to solve the factorial problem (N!) with JEOPS.
Fact(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Class constructor.
Fibonacci - class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci.
This class models an encapsulation for a solution for the Fibonacci series.
Fibonacci(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Class constructor.
fireRule(int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Fires one of the rules in this rule base.
flush() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Removes all the objects from this rule base.
flush() - Method in class jeops.ObjectBase
Removes all objects of this base.
flush() - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Remove all facts (objects) of the object base.
flush() - Method in class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
flush() - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
flush() - Method in class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
flush() - Method in class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
flush() - Method in class jeops.conflict.NaturalConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
flush() - Method in class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
flush() - Method in class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.


getClassDeclarationCount() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns a mapping from the classes of the objects declared in the rules to the number of occurrences of each one.
getColumn() - Method in class jeops.compiler.JeopsException
Returns the column number in the rule file where there is the problem that caused this exception.
getColumn() - Method in class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Returns the column of this queen.
getCurrentColumn() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner
Returns the current column from the file.
getCurrentLine() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner
Returns the current line from the file.
getDeclaredClass(int, int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the class of an object declared in a rule.
getDeclaredClassName(int, int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the class name of an object declared in a rule.
getDestination() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the destination pin for this problem.
getDiscs() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the number of discs of this problem.
getElement() - Method in class jeops.ConflictSetEvent
Returns the element that was added/removed.
getElement() - Method in class jeops.conflict.InternalConflictSetEvent
Returns the element that was added or removed.
getIntermediate() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the intermediate pin form this problem.
getInternalRuleMapping(int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns a table that maps each declared identifier of a rule into its corresponding value.
getKnowledgeBase() - Method in class jeops.RuleEvent
Returns the knowledge base that fired the rule.
getKnowledgeBase() - Method in class jeops.ConflictSetEvent
Returns the knowledge base that added or removed the element.
getLastNonWhiteSpaceToken() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner
Returns the last non-whitespace token.
getLexeme() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Token
Returns the lexeme associated with this token.
getLine() - Method in class jeops.compiler.JeopsException
Returns the line number in the rule file where there is the problem that caused this exception.
getLocalDeclarationDependency(int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns a dependency table between the local declarations and the regular ones.
getLocalObjects() - Method in class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Returns the objects bound to the locally declared variables.
getModifiedObjects_1D(Vector, Object) - Static method in class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
Auxiliar method, used to return all objects that were modified in response to a modification in a given object.
getModifiedObjects_2D(Vector, Object) - Static method in class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
Auxiliar method, used to return all objects that were modified in response to a modification in a given object.
getModifiedObjects(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Returns all objects that were modified in response to a modification in the given object.
getModifiedObjects(Object) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Returns all objects that were modified in response to a modification in the given object.
getModifiedObjects(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Returns all objects that were modified in response to a modification in the given object.
getModifiedObjects(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Returns all objects that were modified in response to a modification in the given object.
getModifiedObjects(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Returns all objects that were modified in response to a modification in the given object.
getModifiedObjects(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Returns all objects that were modified in response to a modification in the given object.
getN() - Method in class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Returns the number whose factorial we are trying to find.
getN() - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Returns the order of this element of the series.
getNumberOfDeclarations() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the number of declarations of the rules in this rule base.
getNumberOfLocalDeclarations() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the number of local declarations of the rules in this rule base.
getNumberOfPreconditions() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the number of preconditions of the rules in this rule base.
getNumberOfRules() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the number of rules in this base.
getObject(int, int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns an object that represents a declaration of some rule.
getObjects() - Method in class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Returns the objects bound to the declared variables.
getOk() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the state of this problem.
getRepresentingClass(String) - Method in class jeops.compiler.ImportList
Returns the class that is represented by the given identifier for this import list.
getResult() - Method in class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Returns the factorial of n.
getRow() - Method in class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Returns the row of this queen.
getRuleBase() - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Returns the (production) rule base of this knowledge base.
getRuleIndex() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the index of the rule that has the focus.
getRuleIndex() - Method in class jeops.RuleEvent
Returns the index of the fired rule.
getRuleIndex() - Method in class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Returns the index of the fireable rule.
getRuleNames() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Returns the name of the rules in this rule base.
getSon1() - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Returns the first subproblem used to solve this recursion.
getSon2() - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Returns the second subproblem used to solve this recursion.
getSource() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the source pin for this problem.
getSub1() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the first subproblem for this problem.
getSub2() - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Returns the second subproblem for this problem.
getSubProblem() - Method in class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Returns the factorial of (n - 1).
getTokenType() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Token
Returns the type of this token.
getValue() - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Returns the value of this element of the series.
getValues() - Method in class jeops.RuleEvent
Returns a table that maps the name of each declared object in the rule to the value that made it fireable.


Hanoi - class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi.
This class models an encapsulation for a solution for the Towers of Hanoi problem.
Hanoi(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Class constructor.
hashCode() - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase


IDENT - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is an identifier.
IMPORT - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word import.
ImportException - exception jeops.compiler.ImportException.
An exception thrown by the import list when an identifier can represent more than one class (ambiguity).
ImportException() - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.ImportException
Constructs an ImportException with no detail message.
ImportException(String) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.ImportException
Constructs an ImportException with the specified detail message.
ImportList - class jeops.compiler.ImportList.
A list of import statements.
ImportList() - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.ImportList
Class constructor for rule bases in the default package.
ImportList(String) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.ImportList
Class constructor.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in class jeops.conflict.NaturalConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
insertElement(ConflictSetElement) - Method in class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Inserts a rule instantiation.
InternalConflictSetEvent - class jeops.conflict.InternalConflictSetEvent.
A semantic event that indicates that an element was added to or removed from a conflict set.
InternalConflictSetEvent(ConflictSet, ConflictSetElement) - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.InternalConflictSetEvent
Class constructor.
InternalConflictSetListener - interface jeops.conflict.InternalConflictSetListener.
The listener interface for receiving conflict set events.
internalElementAdded(InternalConflictSetEvent) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Invoked when an element is added to the conflict set.
internalElementAdded(InternalConflictSetEvent) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.InternalConflictSetListener
Invoked when an element is added to the conflict set.
internalElementRemoved(InternalConflictSetEvent) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Invoked when an element is removed from the conflict set.
internalElementRemoved(InternalConflictSetEvent) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.InternalConflictSetListener
Invoked when an element is removed from the conflict set.
isDeclared(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Checks whether a given object is one of the objects bound to the declared variables in this element.
isEmpty() - Method in class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Checks whether this set has any elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Checks whether this set has any elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Checks whether this set has any elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Checks whether this set has any elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Checks whether this set has any elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Checks whether this set has any elements.
isLocallyDeclared(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.ConflictSetElement
Checks whether a given object is one of the objects bound to the locally declared variables in this element.
isOk() - Method in class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Checks whether this problem is already solved.


jeops - package jeops
The Runtime Environment for JEOPS.
jeops.compiler - package jeops.compiler
The Compiler that translates rules files into java files.
jeops.compiler.parser - package jeops.compiler.parser
Package that contains auxiliar classes used by the compiler to perform its duties.
jeops.conflict - package jeops.conflict
The predefined conflict resolution policies that can be used in knowledge bases generated by JEOPS.
jeops.examples.factorial - package jeops.examples.factorial
A solution to the factorial problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.fibonacci - package jeops.examples.fibonacci
A solution to the Fibonacci problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.hanoi - package jeops.examples.hanoi
A solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.queens - package jeops.examples.queens
A solution to the 8-queens problem using JEOPS.
JeopsException - exception jeops.compiler.JeopsException.
An exception thrown by JEOPS.
JeopsException(int, int) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.JeopsException
Constructs a JeopsException with no detail message.
JeopsException(String, int, int) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.JeopsException
Constructs a JeopsException with the specified detail message.


LOCALDECL - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word localdecl.
LRUConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet.
A conflict set whose conflict resolution policy is one that the least recently fired rules have priority over the remaining ones.
LRUConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Class constructor.


Main - class jeops.compiler.Main.
Main class in the Jeops phase of converting rule files into Java classes.
Main(String) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.Main
Class constructor.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeops.compiler.Main
Test method for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner
Test method for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeops.examples.factorial.TestFact
Starts the application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.TestFibonacci
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.TestHanoi
Starts the application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeops.examples.queens.TestQueens
Main entry point of the application.
modified(Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Tells this base that an object was modified, so that the rules can be retested against the object.
MRUConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet.
A conflict set whose conflict resolution policy is one that the most recently fired rules have priority over the remaining ones.
MRUConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Class constructor.


n - Variable in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
The order of this element of the series.
NaturalConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.NaturalConflictSet.
A conflict set whose conflict resolution policy specifies that no rule can be fired more than once with the same objects.
NaturalConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.NaturalConflictSet
Class constructor.
nextElement() - Method in class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Returns the next rule to be fired.
nextElement() - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Returns the next rule to be fired.
nextElement() - Method in class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Returns the next rule to be fired.
nextElement() - Method in class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Returns the next rule to be fired.
nextElement() - Method in class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Returns the next rule to be fired.
nextElement() - Method in class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Returns the next rule to be fired.
nextToken() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner
Returns the next token from the file.
NoMoreElementsException - exception jeops.conflict.NoMoreElementsException.
This class defines an exception that will be thrown when there aren't more rules to be fired in a conflict set.
NoMoreElementsException() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.NoMoreElementsException
Creates a new NoMoreElementsException, without a detailed message.
NoMoreElementsException(String) - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.NoMoreElementsException
Creates a new NoMoreElementsException with a given detail message.
NONE_ABOVE - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is none of the above.


ObjectBase - class jeops.ObjectBase.
This class models the facts over which the inference engine will act.
ObjectBase() - Constructor for class jeops.ObjectBase
Class constructor.
objects(String) - Method in class jeops.ObjectBase
Returns the objects of the given class.
objects(String) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Returns the objects of a given class.
OneShotConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet.
A conflict set whose conflict resolution policy specifies that no rule can be fired more than once.
OneShotConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Class constructor.
OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is an open curly bracket.


PACKAGE - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word package.
PRECONDITIONS - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word preconditions.
PriorityConflictSet - class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet.
A conflict set whose conflict resolution policy is one that rules defined first in the rule base have a higher priority over the ones defined below it.
PriorityConflictSet() - Constructor for class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Class constructor.
PUBLIC - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word public.


Queen - class jeops.examples.queens.Queen.
Represents a queen in a chess board.
Queen(int, int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Class constructor.
QueenRow1 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow1.
Represents a queen in the first row in a chess board.
QueenRow1(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow1
Class constructor.
QueenRow2 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow2.
Represents a queen in the second row in a chess board.
QueenRow2(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow2
Class constructor.
QueenRow3 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow3.
Represents a queen in the third row in a chess board.
QueenRow3(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow3
Class constructor.
QueenRow4 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow4.
Represents a queen in the fourth row in a chess board.
QueenRow4(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow4
Class constructor.
QueenRow5 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow5.
Represents a queen in the fifth row in a chess board.
QueenRow5(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow5
Class constructor.
QueenRow6 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow6.
Represents a queen in the sixth row in a chess board.
QueenRow6(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow6
Class constructor.
QueenRow7 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow7.
Represents a queen in the seventh row in a chess board.
QueenRow7(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow7
Class constructor.
QueenRow8 - class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow8.
Represents a queen in the eighth row in a chess board.
QueenRow8(int) - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.QueenRow8
Class constructor.


remove(Object) - Method in class jeops.ObjectBase
Removes an object from this object base.
removeConflictSetListener(RuleFireListener) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Removes the specified conflict set listener so that it no longer receives conflict set events from this knowledge base.
removeElementsWith(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.PriorityConflictSet
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
removeElementsWith(Object) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
removeElementsWith(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.LRUConflictSet
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
removeElementsWith(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.DefaultConflictSet
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
removeElementsWith(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.MRUConflictSet
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
removeElementsWith(Object) - Method in class jeops.conflict.OneShotConflictSet
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
removeInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener) - Method in class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives events from this conflict set.
removeInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener) - Method in interface jeops.conflict.ConflictSet
Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives events from this conflict set.
removeRuleFireListener(RuleFireListener) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Removes the specified rule fire listener so that it no longer receives rule fire events from this knowledge base.
retract(Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Removes an object from this rule base.
retract(Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Removes a given object of this knowledge base.
RULE - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word rule.
RULE_BASE - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is the reserved word ruleBase.
RuleEvent - class jeops.RuleEvent.
A semantic event that indicates that a rule was fired.
RuleEvent(AbstractKnowledgeBase, int, Hashtable) - Constructor for class jeops.RuleEvent
Class constructor.
ruleFired(RuleEvent) - Method in interface jeops.RuleFireListener
Invoked right after a rule is fired.
RuleFireListener - interface jeops.RuleFireListener.
The listener interface for receiving rule fire events.
ruleFiring(RuleEvent) - Method in interface jeops.RuleFireListener
Invoked right before a rule is fired.
run() - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Fires the rules in the rule base with the objects present in the object base, until no rule is fireable anymore.


Scanner - class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner.
Class used in the parsing of the rules file.
Scanner(String) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.parser.Scanner
Class constructor.
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is a semicolon.
setConflictSet(ConflictSet) - Method in class jeops.AbstractKnowledgeBase
Defines a conflict set policy for this knowledge base.
setObject(int, int, Object) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Sets an object that represents a declaration of some rule.
setOk(boolean) - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Determines whether this problem has already been solved.
setResult(int) - Method in class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Defines the factorial of n.
setRuleIndex(int) - Method in class jeops.AbstractRuleBase
Defines the index of the rule that has the focus.
setSon1(Fibonacci) - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Defines the first subproblem used to solve this recursion.
setSon2(Fibonacci) - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Defines the second subproblem used to solve this recursion.
setSub1(Hanoi) - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Determines the first subproblem for this problem.
setSub2(Hanoi) - Method in class jeops.examples.hanoi.Hanoi
Determines the second subproblem for this problem.
setSubProblem(Fact) - Method in class jeops.examples.factorial.Fact
Defines the factorial of (n - 1).
setValue(int) - Method in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
Defines the value of this element in the series.
son1 - Variable in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
The first subproblem used to solve this recursion.
son2 - Variable in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
The second subproblem used to solve this recursion.
STRING - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is a string constant.


TestFact - class jeops.examples.factorial.TestFact.
Class used to test the Factorial example for JEOPS.
TestFact() - Constructor for class jeops.examples.factorial.TestFact
TestFibonacci - class jeops.examples.fibonacci.TestFibonacci.
Test class for the fibonacci example using JEOPS.
TestFibonacci() - Constructor for class jeops.examples.fibonacci.TestFibonacci
TestHanoi - class jeops.examples.hanoi.TestHanoi.
Class used to test the Towers of Hanoi example for JEOPS.
TestHanoi() - Constructor for class jeops.examples.hanoi.TestHanoi
TestQueens - class jeops.examples.queens.TestQueens.
Test class used to test the eight queens problem solved using JEOPS.
TestQueens() - Constructor for class jeops.examples.queens.TestQueens
Token - class jeops.compiler.parser.Token.
Class used to store the tokens read from the rules file.
Token(int, String) - Constructor for class jeops.compiler.parser.Token
Class constructor.
TokenConstants - interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants.
Interface used to define the constants used by the tokenization process of the scanning/parser of the rule files.
toString() - Method in class jeops.compiler.parser.Token
Returns a string representing this token.
toString() - Method in class jeops.examples.queens.Queen
Returns a string representation of this queen.


value - Variable in class jeops.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci
The value of the element in the series.


WHITE_SPACE - Static variable in interface jeops.compiler.parser.TokenConstants
Constant used to indicate that the token type is white spaces.