Página Inicial
   Graduate Students
   Undergraduates Students


        GRECO has for goal the human resources training, and development of digital systems and of methodologies for the design of such systems. Its field of work goes from systems specification down to the design of the digital component itself, including the steps of refinement, validation and prototyping.

        The Computer Engineering Group - GRECO - is composed of 4 PhDs, 2 PhD students, 12 MSc students and 25 undergraduate students (scholars and volunteers for Scientific Initiation).


        GRECO was created in 1993 with the arrival of new PhDs on the Informatics Department. Its creation stimulated the conception of new digital systems projects, with new CAD tools for Integrated Circuits projects installed, new graduate and undergraduate classes and specialized professionals formation.

        Along the years a reasonable number of work stations was installed, exclusively directed to academic and professional CAD tools, intending to disseminate the state-of-the-art on the integrated circuits field in the department and consolidate educational projects with large companies for the acquisition of educational and research platforms on the areas of computer architecture and dedicated digital systems.

CIn UFPE - Tel +55 81 2126.8430 - Caixa Postal 7851 - Cidade Universitária - 50732-970 - Recife