
Who is Reynaldo Fonseca?

Born on 1925 in Recife, Pernambuco state of Brazil, at the age of 11 attends Pernambuco's Art School. Later, He becomes Art drawing Professor at Federal University of Pernambuco.

On 1943, He has his first exhibition of painting, in Recife.

On 1944, he moves for six months to Rio de Janeiro, where studies with Cândido Portinari. In this year, one of his paintings is included in an exhibition in the National Room in Rio.

On 1948 he goes to Europe, where develops research of tendencies, colors and forms of painting.

On 1949, he is back to Rio, where lives for 3 years. He then attends Metal Art School under orientation of Herique Oswald.

An exhibition of his paintings at National Room wins several prizes.

By this time, in Recife, he exhibits his work on drawing.

He is also a participant of IX Bienal of São Paulo and wins other prizes at Modern Art National Saloon.

His work is spread over the world at private collections of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife, France, Italy and Spain.

Also, there is a collection of paintings at Banco do Brasil (Oficcial Brazil's Bank)