AspectJML crosscutting contract specifications for better modularity

          aspectjml is           aspectjml enables
  • a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the JML design by contract language
  • AspectJ compatible
  • Java platform compatible
  • easy to learn and use
  • clean modularization/specification of crosscutting contracts, such as preconditions and postconditions, while preserving documentation and modular reasoning
  • well-defined interfaces between the OO code and crosscutting contracts

AspectJML - Downloads


See below for a list of available AspectJ downloads. If you plan to use AspectJML inside the Eclipse IDE you can just use the ant tasks that come with the distribution.
Now you can use AspectJML online with its online IDE.

Most Recent Build

This download is updated after every successful build and test cycle.

AspectJML 8

AspectJML 7