About This Tutorial
(updated in 27/05/2001)

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This tutorial is being maintained by a Computation Science graduation student, at the Informatics Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). There is no copyright, the main purpose here is to make HOpenGL (rather than this tutorial) to be known around the world. But I would thank you if you cite my name and this tutorial if you are going to use it for other things besides learning.

This tutorial is part of a Scientific Iniciation (PIBIC/CNPq) research project (Creating a Game Platform Using Haskell), oriented by lecturer Andre Santos (PhD, 1995, University of Glasgow). The graduation student Jose Edson Filho is also involved in exploring HOpenGL applications.

Finally, you can visit my personal web page at the CIn. Thanks for visiting the tutorial!

HOpenGL Tutorial - Andre W B Furtado
About This Tutorial
Last updated in 27/05/2001
Informatics Center (CIn) - UFPE
Recife - PE - Brazil