Tool Demonstration


This page presents the main functionalities of our tool, whose initial screen is presented next.




Before estimating test execution effort, it is necessary that the user configures the tool

with the characteristics that should be used to measure the size and execution complexity

of test specifications. The configuration is accessed using the Configuration menu.



On the mobile application domain, examples of these characteristics

are the number of screens to navigate, the number of keys to press and delays in the

application response time. The user can go back to this step whenever he needs to

reconfigure the model.




The user loads the test cases whose size and complexity he/she wants to estimate.




The tool calculates the execution points of each loaded test case.




Execution points are computed based on the test actions identified in the test specifications.

The user can check the details of each test action evaluated by the tool by clicking on the

“Details” button.



The tool might not recognize some test actions after processing the test cases. New test actions

are stored in the data base and are shown to the user with a ‘*’ before the verb.



In that case, the user can edit test actions, by assigning characteristics to them. This is done

by double clicking the verb marked with ‘*’.




In order to estimate the effort, based on the execution points that were calculated, the user

needs to configure the productivity model. Execution points must be mapped to units of time.



After that, the user can estimate the test execution effort time by clicking the button “Calculate Effort”. The result is presented in the column ”Effort”.



In addition, our tool provides other models of estimation, such as Regression Models.