Rodrigo Ramos
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Curriculum vitae (information about my professional experience)


I have been instructor of the following courses:
  • At Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)
    • Configuration Management (once, 24 hours post-graduate specialization course at FBV)
  • At Boa Viagem College (FBV)
  • At Qualiti Software Processes Inc., Recife, training courses for enterprises
    • Configuration Management  (three times, 20 hours course of the Technology Qualifying Program (PQT))
    • Introduction to Test Tools (once, 12 hours training course to TIM Nordeste)
    • Object Oriented Metrics (once, 12 hours training course to Cesar/Motorola)

I have also been a teaching assistant of following courses:

  • At Motorola's Brazilian Test Centre (test analysis residence program)
    • Configuration Management (three times, 20 hours course);
    • Specification and Design of Requisites (twice, 20 hours course);
    • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (three times, 40 hours course);
    • Project of Tests and Testing Tools (four times, 24 hours course); 

Non-Research Activities


My past involvements include:

  • Vice-President of the Post-Graduate Student Association (2004-2005) at Cin/UFPE, assisting the president on his functions and also acting as a post-graduate student representative on Departmental Committees, as well as a member Academic Center of Computer Science (1999-2000;2001-2002), the undergraduate student association of the same university.


During my scholarship in the Special Training Program (PET), I did some of the folowing extension activities for the community. PET is a program funded by the Brazilian Government to provide students who demonstrate great potential with teaching, research and extension activities under the orientation of a lecturer.