The Abaco System


The Abaco (Algebraic Based Action COmpiler) system is a tool set designed to help the implementation of action semantics descriptions of programming languages.

The main characteristic of the system is interpret the programming language description like special cases of order sorted algebras specifications.

The system is composed by the following tools:

The first version of the abaco system was implemented in C++ language. More recently we reimplemented it to Java. The last version of the abaco in Java can be downloaded here

Papers About the System

The following articles describes the modules of the Abaco system:
  1. Abaco Quick User's Guide (Draft Version)
  2. The Abaco System: An Algebraic Based Action Compiler: This paper describes the archieture and working of the compiler generator tool named Abaco. This paper should be presented in the Amast98 Conference
  3. Using Object Oriented Languages to Implement Order Sorted Algebras: The paper describes the translation of order sorted algebras in object-oriented programs used in the Abaco system to produce implementation of descriptions of programming languages
  4. Using Object-orientation to Prototipe Action Semantics Descriptions: My Msc thesis(in portuguese) that defines the abaco system

Links About Action Semantics:

  1. Action Semantics
  2. The RAT project

Produced in Mar 08, 2002 by luis carlos