Results for Round 1 - New requirement task

Time Data

  Replic Subject SPL Technique time
1 1 1 Bestlap No-EIs 692
2 1 1 MobileMedia EIs 90
3 1 2 Bestlap EIs 334
4 1 2 MobileMedia No-EIs 1220
5 2 1 Bestlap No-EIs 1099
6 2 1 MobileMedia EIs 239
7 2 2 Bestlap EIs 341
8 2 2 MobileMedia No-EIs 719
9 3 1 Bestlap EIs 301
10 3 1 MobileMedia No-EIs 969
11 3 2 Bestlap No-EIs 929
12 3 2 MobileMedia EIs 102
13 4 1 Bestlap No-EIs 1078
14 4 1 MobileMedia EIs 618
15 4 2 Bestlap EIs 389
16 4 2 MobileMedia No-EIs 1376
17 5 1 Bestlap No-EIs 1121
18 5 1 MobileMedia EIs 319
19 5 2 Bestlap EIs 666
20 5 2 MobileMedia No-EIs 976


Errors Data

  Replic Subject SPL Technique errors
1 1 A Bestlap No-EIs 3
2 1 A MobileMedia EIs 0
3 1 B Bestlap EIs 1
4 1 B MobileMedia No-EIs 2
5 2 C Bestlap No-EIs 2
6 2 C MobileMedia EIs 0
7 2 D Bestlap EIs 0
8 2 D MobileMedia No-EIs 1
9 3 E Bestlap EIs 0
10 3 E MobileMedia No-EIs 1
11 3 F Bestlap No-EIs 4
12 3 F MobileMedia EIs 0
13 4 G Bestlap No-EIs 6
14 4 G MobileMedia EIs 1
15 4 H Bestlap EIs 0
16 4 H MobileMedia No-EIs 1
17 5 I Bestlap No-EIs 4
18 5 I MobileMedia EIs 0
19 5 J Bestlap EIs 3
20 5 J MobileMedia No-EIs 2

ANOVA summary

DfSum SqMean SqF valuePr(>F)
replic 4 276682 69171 2.3158 0.1451
spl 1 5184 5184 0.1736 0.6879
technique 1 2298420 2298420 76.9504 2.237e-05 ***
replic:subject 5 193989 38798 1.2989 0.3528
Residuals 8 238951 29869

--- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Differences between both approaches

Standard deviation time without Emergent Interfaces: 210.158908130649

Standard deviation time with Emergent Interfaces: 187.766077873507

Mean time without Emergent Interfaces: 1017.9

Mean time with Emergent Interfaces: 339.9

without / with: 2.99470432480141

Median time without Emergent Interfaces: 1027

Median time with Emergent Interfaces: 326.5

without / with: 3.14548238897397

Time results without Emergent Interfaces:

692  1220  1099  719  969  929  1078  1376  1121  976

Time results with Emergent Interfaces:

90  334  239  341  301  102  618  389  319  666


602  886  860  378  668  827  460  987  802  310

Mean(No-EIs, Bestlap) = 983.8

Mean(No-EIs, MobileMedia) = 1052

Mean(EIs, Bestlap) = 406.2

Mean(EIs, MobileMedia) = 273.6

Tukey test for additivity


 Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

  • data:y and group
  • Bartlett's K-squared = 1.7263 , df = 1 , p-value = 0.1889