i* Workshop TOOLS FAIR: Call for Submissions Many tools have been created to facilitate modeling and analysis with i* and related frameworks. As part of the 5th International i* Workshop (iStar’11) we are organizing a Tools Fair to update community knowledge about the current offerings of i* modeling and reasoning tools. FORMAT The i* Workshop will include a session for tool demos. The session will consist of a two-minute presentation of two slides (automatic transition from one slide to the next will be enforced) and then the floor will be opened for demos. TOOL SUBMISSIONS Fill out a form providing information about your tool by creating a wiki page on the i* wiki: http://istar.rwth-aachen.de/tiki-index.php?page=i*+Tools. If a page on the wiki already exists for your tool, please update it as appropriate. Contact jenhork@cs.utoronto.ca if you require a new user name and password for the wiki. The consolidation of these forms will be used to update our online comparison of i* Tools (http://istar.rwth-aachen.de/tiki-index.php?page=Comparing+the+i*+Tools) Prepare a three page description of the tool, using LNCS format http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Descriptions should include a screen shot of the tool and should cover the following points: • Tool name and version • Download information/availability • Web page and documentation • Goal modeling framework supported • Main purpose of the tool • Primary features • Status and maturity • Limitations and future plans • Interoperability with other tools • Use in industrial case studies (if applicable) All descriptions should be uploaded to easychair https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=istar11 The Tools Fair proceedings will be peer-reviewed and published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series, http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/, as part of the iStar workshop proceedings IMPORTANT DATES June 3rd, 2011 --- Submit tool form and description July 11th, 2011 --- Notification July 21st, 2011 --- Camera Ready August 29th-30th, 2011 --- iStar Tools Fair 2011 in Trento, Italy TOOLS FAIR ORGANIZER Jennifer Horkoff, University of Toronto, Canada For further questions contact jenhork@cs.utoronto.ca (Subject : iStar'11 Tools Fair).